Course Descriptions
PHO 145 - History of Photography: Modern
3 Credits
A critical analysis of post World War I photography which questions the medium’s role in art, journalism, propaganda, advertising, and everyday life. Major movements, practitioners, and leading photographic theoreticians are examined in the context of photography’s ability to record the “truth” and influence social and cultural identity. Illustrated lectures and presentations, discussion, field trips, and individual research projects.
New SUNY General Education: SUNY - Humanities
Retiring SUNY General Education: SUNY-H - Humanities (SHUM)
MCC General Education: MCC-AH - Arts and Humanities (MAH), MCC-GLO - Global Understanding (MGLO)
Course Learning Outcomes
1. Compare German and Russian photography between World War I and World War II to the American photographic traditions during the same time.
2. Summarize the events that allowed America's documentary style to emerge as the leading voice in photography.
3. Evaluate photographic movement for historical relevance.
4. Describe the photographic truth fallacy in terms of culture, advertising, or identity.
5. Discuss the work of contemporary photographers.
6. Compare the works of significant photographic practitioners throughout the world.
7. Describe the photographic styles associated with the creation of various photographic magazines.
Course Offered Spring
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